Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Hey everyone!

It has been probably the most amazing weekend I have ever had, and it wasn't like I did much of anything!  God has been ever so faithful, ever so moving, and ever so amazing!  I have had so much breakthrough and freedom this weekend... and seriously it just doesn't stop!  
On sunday I got to paint at my morning service- and it was so amazing!  I was so nervous before I started- and worried that it would look horrible... but the moment worship started, I lost myself in Jesus, and was take to my garden, and just didn't even realize what was going on- but it was so good!  I titled my painting "The Awakening", and it is full of so much colour.  The painting is about us being awakened and pursuing Jesus with such passion and zeal!  It's about finding comfort in the Holy Spirit and being awakened by him!
Anyways- i absolutely love my painting, and I'm so happy I painted, because it has released so much freedom over my life... This weekend has been all about freedom!   Things I was so sure I had let go of, are now completely and totally GONE!  I have finally realized things about myself that I wouldn't have realized if it wasn't for this weekend... 
Well... that has been my life for the past 4 days, and I couldn't be more happy or excited!  
anyways- lots of love, my homework is calling me!


Friday, November 7, 2008

im back- and here's some awesome reading for you!

I'm back!!! Well- so Southern California was an absolute success! The call was pretty good- interesting to say the least... not my type of intercession, but im totally glad i was there!
We have only two days of school this week, which is kind of lame, but nice in another way, considering im lacking in the whole sleep department anyways!

Yesterday we had our second day of outreach! I thought we were maybe going to have like 10 kids there, but God had other ideas... we had 45 kids there! It was amazing.. and so many kids remembered my name and everything.. it was so amazing! I am so excited about this upcoming year with these kids!!

I dont have much time, but i'm going to post some new stuff i have been writing lately.. hope you all enjoy... it is still unnamed.

Your presence is so deep, deeper than the deepest oceans,
Greater than the greatest conquests.
No conquest more so than that of my heart-
You have stolen my heart, and made me whole again.
I will worship you for all my days.
My love-You allow me to soar on your wings,
You bid for me to enter your courts, to enter the secret place with you.
Here is where we are meant to be, here is where you can always find me.
That reassurance is my life.
Grasping my hand, you lead me by the willows,
Through their branches and amongst the lilies.
Here is my new world; here is my secret place;
Here is where you stroke my hair, and promise everything will be OK;
Here is where you ask me to dance to the song of all songs,
And here is where my romance first begun and still goes on...
Clothe me with love, with royalty, with passion-
Clothe me with hope and splendour.
Here is where I know you; here is where your presence is so deep,
And here is where I am romanced.